Week Three | Opening the Start Up Toolbox
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first two sessions. It has been a privilege to learn, share, laugh, and deepen the connection between Founders. We’ve worked together to discover and discuss ways to enable entrepreneurial success in tumultuous times.
Join us for our third session Friday, April 17th at 10am MT.
For our third session together, we will dig into the CEO personal journey. Our discussion will address major topics like:
What does a CEO do during different stages of their company?
How does the CEO grow?
When does the founding CEO decide to stay in that role or move to a different part of the company?
If you missed our first two sessions, we would still love to have you join. We’ll have a brief recap to begin and introductions to get you acquainted with the other founders in attendance.
You can also stay up to date on the release of the downloadable content from this series and be the first to know about our next webinar series launching later this quarter by signing up here.
This is designed to be 40% content, and 60% live workshopping with you. With ample time for Q&A as well as key learning from start ups who’ve been in your shoes, we’ll draw on our years of supporting growing companies to deliver a high-impact webinar. Please bring your expertise, thoughts, concerns, and problems. What you are grappling with the rest are too!
Opening the Start Up Toolbox is available for our introductory rate of $9 per session (~80% off our standard price of $49) and includes the live webinar as well as on-demand access to the recording after the event.
Join us for our third session Friday, April 17th at 10am.